Who’s On First? What’s On Second? Sports Injuries Happen At All Ages
By Jessica Lowy PT,DPT,CMTPT,SSOL Advanced Schroth Clinician, McKenzie A-D
Michal (Micky) Porath PT,MPT, SSOL Advanced Schroth Clinician, McKenzie A-D
What is the most common sports injury?
The most common sports injuries are sprains and strains, ankle and knee injuries, swollen muscles, achilles tendon injuries, pain along the shin, rotator cuff injuries, fractures, and dislocations. Most athletic injuries can be placed in three main categories which are acute, overuse, and chronic injuries. An individual should remember to rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) as soon as injury occurs.
What can Physical therapy do for a sports injury?
Physical therapy works to assist an athlete to rebuild strength and movement after an injury through different exercises, stretches, and specialized techniques. It can also help an athlete manage pain and prevent avoidable damage in the future.
What are the stages of rehabilitation?
- Phase One: Controlling the pain and swelling.
- Phase Two: Improving range of motion and flexibility.
- Phase Three: Improving strength and beginning proprioception (the awareness of the position and movement of the body) and balance training.
- Stage Four: Continuation of proprioception and balance training, along with sports-specific training.
- Stage Five: The gradual return to full activity.
What is the goal of Physical Therapy?
Physical therapy and rehabilitation is essential to long-term recovery from moderate to severe injury types. The goals are to reduce pain, improve function of the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments and return to sport. Physical therapy will assist in the individual healing correctly, making the individual less vulnerable to reinjury and pain over time.

When should physical therapy begin?
If appropriate, physical therapy may begin as soon as a few days after the injury is sustained. For patients who delay physical therapy, their injuries and symptoms often become worse and may be more difficult to treat.
What is the typical timeline of physical therapy sessions?
In general, an individual should keep going to physical therapy until they finish their physical therapy program or until your therapist and you decide that your goals have been reached. A typical physical therapy timeline is two to three times a week for 6-8 weeks for the healing of soft tissues. Every patient is different but most will fall in that range.
How do I know if physical therapy is working?
Each treatment program is tailored to an individual’s needs, so your results will be unique. Generally, after each physical therapy session, you should notice some improvements in movement and a reduction in pain.

What happens during a physical therapy session?
The physical therapists at Prime Orthopedic Rehabilitation will evaluate your injury where they will test your range of motion and strength, perform special tests for the injury, and test current function. During treatment, the physical therapists will perform manual techniques to increase extensibility and decrease the inflamed soft tissues. You will be instructed in specific stretches and exercises that are meant to help you move and feel better. Your physical therapist will oversee all the exercises that you perform during your session. You will also be sent home with an exercise program tailored to your specific goals.
If you have sports related pain and discomfort or have sustained a sports related injury and would like help returning to your sports, training, and work-outs, call Prime Orthopedic Rehabilitation at (201) 503-7173 for an appointment.
Jessica Lowy, DPT, CMTPT, DN, Mckenzie A-D, Advanced Schroth Therapist and Michal Porath, MPT, Mckenzie A-D, Advanced Schroth Therapist
are owners of Prime Orthopedic Rehabilitation in Tenafly, NJ. They treat necks and backs in their clinic, in addition to general orthopedic and post surgical patients. Call (201) 503-7173 for an appointment.
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